This is a very quick, no frills, 'what you need to know' blog about the latest new Planning Cloud feature: Clone Environment. This feature arrived in our Test environments in March 2021. The new tool is used to clone the entire Planning application between environments. Here is what I have discovered; not all of the below was clear to me from reading the Oracle Documentation. What is the source for cloning? You cannot select a Snapshot to use. Nor does the tool create a clone of the environment at the point of running the clone. It uses the Artifact Snapshot created from the latest Daily Maintenance. You can see the time that it was created on the Clone Environment tab before launching: I tried to rename the Artifact Snapshot and perform a Repeat Export, naming this Artifact Snapshot. The Clone Snapshot tool still links to the original & renamed Artifact Snapshot. The only way to update the source Snapshot in-between scheduled maintenance is to use the EPM Automate RunDaily...